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When was the last time you were hugged?

This week’s guest Kathryn Ver Brugge is a Cuddle Professional based in Hawaii.  Hear how Kathryn followed her intuition and overcame the judgment, negativity and the expectations of others to create a business she is passionate about using her skills and knowledge to help people have a more human experience.

Her cuddle work (completely platonic) is helping people set their boundaries, explore and clearly communicate their needs, and open themselves up to the people and opportunities that are aligned to that.

With the advent of more technology, we are experiencing even less physical contact than ever before and that will become an even bigger issue for future generations. Kathryn shares how learning how to better express our emotions can lead to a simpler and more efficient life because being a clear communicator allows you to cut through unnecessary time and energy spent on what could otherwise be a quick and straightforward interaction. She ultimately wants to teach people how to be “nice humans”  As business owners, leaders, employees, human beings we could all do with a little more simplicity and a lot more cuddles!

For more information and questions about the work Kathryn does visit her at https://www.cuddleinparadise.com/  




Contact Natasha

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